Nuclear Engineering,
Edition 1 A Conceptual Introduction to Nuclear Power
By Malcolm Joyce

Publication Date: 20 Sep 2017

Nuclear Engineering: A Conceptual Introduction to Nuclear Power provides coverage of the introductory, salient principles of nuclear engineering in a comprehensive manner for those entering the profession at the end of their degree. The nuclear power industry is undergoing a renaissance because of the desire for low-carbon baseload electricity, the growing population, and environmental concerns about shale gas, so this book is a welcomed addition to the science. In addition, users will find a great deal of information on the change in the industry, along with other topical areas of interest that are uniquely covered.

Intended for undergraduate students or early postgraduate students studying nuclear engineering, this new text will also be appealing to scientifically-literate non-experts wishing to be better informed about the ‘nuclear option'.

Key Features

  • Presents a succinct and clear explanation of the key facts and concepts on how nuclear engineering power systems function and how their related fuel supply cycles operate
  • Provides full coverage of the nuclear fuel cycle, including its scientific and historical basis
  • Describes a comprehensive range of relevant reactor designs, from those that are defunct, current, and in plan/construction for the future, including SMRs and GenIV
  • Summarizes all major accidents and their impact on the industry and society
About the author
By Malcolm Joyce, Department of Engineering, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
Table of Contents

1. Fundamental concepts
2. Historical context
3. Fundamentals of radioactivity
4. The fission process
5. The actinides and related isotopes
6. Moderation
7. Cooling and thermal concepts
8. Elementary reactor principles
9. The reactor equation and introductory transport concepts
10. Mainstream power reactor systems
11. Advanced reactors and future concepts
12. Nuclear fuel manufacture
13. Nuclear fuel reprocessing
14. Nuclear safety and regulation
15. Radioactive waste management and disposal
16. Public acceptability, cost and nuclear energy in the future

Book details
ISBN: 9780081009628
Page Count: 420
Retail Price : £49.99
  • Murray and Holbert, Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, 7th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 9780124166547, Feb 2014, 576 pages, $99.95
  • Da Rosa, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, 3rd Edition, Academic Press, 9780123972194, Sep 2012, 908 pages, $120.00
  • Lewis, Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics, Academic Press, 9780123706317, Jan 2008, 280 pages, $104.00
Instructor Resources
Undergraduate students and postgraduate students specializing in the nuclear field or taking specialist options within general engineering and physics courses