The Juvenile Skeleton,
Edition 1
By Louise Scheuer and Sue Black

Publication Date: 02 Apr 2004
The identification of even the smallest human fetal bone can be vital to the success of a criminal investigation or to the identification of the deceased. This book examines every bone in the human body from its earliest embryological stage through to maturity and is profusely illustrated with superb bone drawings at every stage of development. The ability to identify every component of the developing skeleton is of core relevance not only to the forensic profession but also to clinicians, skeletal biologists and physical anthropologists.

Key Features

  • Identifies every component of the developing skeleton
  • Provides detailed analysis of juvenile skeletal remains and the development of bone as a tissue
  • Summarizes key morphological stages in the development of every bone
About the author
By Louise Scheuer, Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology, University College London, UK and Sue Black, Centre for Anatomy & Human Identification, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
Table of Contents
Juvenile Skeletal Remains
Bone Development
Early Embryonic Development
The Head and Neck
The Dentition
Vertebral Column
Pectoral Girdle
Upper Limb
Pelvic Girdle
Lower Limb
Book details
ISBN: 9780121028213
Page Count: 400
Retail Price : £80.00
Glorieux, PEDIATRIC BONE, (2003, 776 pp. $199.95, ISBN: 0-12-286551-0)
Shapiro, PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC DEFORMITIES, (2002, 953 pp, $169.95, ISBN: 0-12-638651-X)
Bilezikian, PRINCIPLES OF BONE BIOLOGY, (2002, 1696 pp, $399.95, ISBN: 0-12-098652-3
Anthropologists, archaeologists, forensic and medical scientists, pediatrics and paleontologists