Essays in Animal Behaviour,
Edition 1 Celebrating 50 Years of Animal Behaviour
Edited by Jeffrey R. Lucas and Leigh W. Simmons

Publication Date: 13 Dec 2005
Recently, the 50th anniversary of the publication of Animal Behaviour has passed. To mark the occasion, a group of prominent behaviourists have written essays relevant to their fields. These essays provide a glimpse of the study of behaviour looking in all directions. History and future aside, it is imperative to broadcast this information from the perspective of the behaviourists who have helped shape both the past and the future. It is important for any field to be both retrospective and prospective: where have we been, where are we going, where are we now? These essays provide a unique personal reflection on the history of animal behaviour from John Alcock, Stuart and Jeanne Altmann, Steve Arnold, Geoff Parker, and Felicity Huntingford. Six topics are reflected on and include: The History of Animal Behavioural Research, Proximate Mechanisms, Development, Adaptation, and Animal Welfare.

Key Features

  • Broad range of essays on animal behaviour
  • Written by leaders in the field
  • Offers a history of the study of behaviour plus essays on the future of behavioural studies
  • Contains over 30 full color illustrations
  • Includes essays on development, mechanisms and adaptive significance of behaviour
About the author
Edited by Jeffrey R. Lucas, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA and Leigh W. Simmons, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
1. Jeffrey R. Lucas & Leigh W. Simmons. 50 years of Animal Behaviour.

2) The history of behavioural research
2. John Alcock. A textbook history of animal behaviour.
3. Geoff Parker. Behavioural Ecology: natural history as science
4. Stuart A. Altmann & Jeanne Altmann. The transformation of behaviour field studies.
5. Stevan J. Arnold. Too much natural history, or too little?
6. Felicity A. Huntingford. A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist.
3) Proximate mechanisms
7. Gene Robinson. Genes and social behaviour.
8. John Wingfield. Control of behavioural strategies for capricious environments.
9. Andrew I. Barnes & Linda Partridge. Costing reproduction.

4) Development
10. Patrick Bateson. The promise of behavioural biology.
11. Bennett G. Galef. Making a decision by integrating socially and individually acquired information.
12. Judy Stamps. Behavioural processes affecting development: Tinbergen's fourth question comes of age.
13. Meredith J. West, Andrew P. King, & David J. White. The case for developmental ecology.

5) Adaptation
14. Patricia Adair Gowaty. Beyond extra-pair paternity: individual constraints, fitness components, and social mating systems
15. Malte Andersson. Interplay between theory and empiricism in sexual selection.
16. Amotz Zahavi. Indirect selection and individual selection in sociobiology: my personal views on theories of social behaviour.
17. Michael Greenfield. Honesty and deception in animal signals.
18. P. J. B. Slater. Fifty years of bird song research: a case study in animal behaviour.
19. Roswitha Wiltschko & Wolfgang Wiltschko. Avian navigation: from historical to modern concepts.

6) Animal Welfare
20. Marian Dawkins. Behaviour and animal welfare.
Book details
ISBN: 9780123694997
Page Count: 384
Retail Price : £29.99
Honore and Klopper: A Concise Survey of Animal Behavior (Dec 1990, ISBN-10/13: 0-12-355065-3/ 978-0-12-355065-1)
Grandin: Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals (Nov 1997, ISBN-10/13: 0-12-295130-1/ 978-0-12-295130-5)
Balda et al: Animal Cognition in Nature (Sep 1998, ISBN-10/13: 0-12-077030-X/ 978-0-12-077030-4)
Animal behaviourists, behavioural ecologists, developmental biologists, behavioural endocrinologists
behavioural neurobiologists, ecologists