Basic Medical Endocrinology,
Edition 4
By Elizabeth H. Holt and Harry E. Peery

Publication Date: 18 Aug 2008
Basic Medical Endocrinology, Fourth Edition provides up-to-date coverage of rapidly unfolding advances in the understanding of hormones involved in regulating most aspects of bodily functions. Topics are approached from the perspective of a physiologist with over 40 years of teaching experience. This fourth edition is richly illustrated in full color with both descriptive schematic diagrams and laboratory findings obtained in clinical studies. Each of the fourteen chapters starts with an overview of the topic and ends with a Suggested Reading list. Initial chapters lay a foundation by presenting basic information and principles of hormone structure, secretion, and actions, and the physiological roles of the principal endocrine glands. Subsequent chapters address the role of the endocrine system in solving such physiological problems as the regulation of the volume and composition of body fluids in the face of changing environmental demands, and the regulation of short- and long-term energy balance. The final chapters deal with the indispensable role of hormones in growth, development and reproduction.

Key Features

  • Strikes an excellent balance between systems/organismal level of overview and cellular/molecular analysis
  • Richly illustrated with over 250 full color figures, descriptive schematic diagrams, and laboratory findings
  • All chapters have been thoroughly rewritten and updated, including new discussions of adrenal steroid biosynthesis, the parathyroid in osteoporosis, obesity and metabolism, as well as an entirely new chapter on gastrointestinal hormones
  • Editor has 45 years of experience teaching endocrinology and physiology to medical students at Harvard and UMass
About the author
By Elizabeth H. Holt, Associate Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States and Harry E. Peery, Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, and Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Research Institute, Laboratory of Dr. Karl Riabowol, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 IntroductionBiosynthesis of HormonesStorage and SecretionHormones in BloodHormone Degradation Mechanisms of Hormone ActionSpecificityCharacteristics of Receptors Hormonal Actions Mediated by Intracellular ReceptorsHormonal Actions Mediated by Surface ReceptorsThe G-protein Coupled ReceptorsReceptors that Signal through Tyrosine KinaseRegulation of Hormone SecretionNegative FeedbackPositive FeedbackFeed ForwardMeasurement of HormonesImmunoassaysHormone Levels in BloodSuggested ReadingChapter 2 Pituitary GlandMorphologyPhysiology of the Anterior Pituitary GlandGlycoprotein HormonesGrowth Hormone and ProlactinAdrenocorticotropin FamilyDevelopment of the Anterior Pituitary GlandRegulation of Anterior Pituitary FunctionHypophysiotropic HormonesThyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH)Gonadotropin Releasing HormoneControl of GH SecretionCorticotropin Releasing HormoneDopamine and control of Prolactin SecretionSecretion and Actions of Hypophysiotropic Hormones Feedback Control of Anterior Pituitary FunctionPhysiology of the PosteriorPituitaryRegulation of Posterior Pituitary FunctionSuggested ReadingChapter 3 Thyroid GlandMorphologyThyroid HormonesBiosynthesisIodine TrappingThyroglobulin SynthesisIncorporation of IodineHormone Storage SecretionControl of Thyroid FunctionEffects of Thyroid-Stimulating HormoneEffects of the Thyroid-Stimulating ImmunoglobulinsAutoregulation of Thyroid Hormone SynthesisThyroid Hormones in BloodMetabolism of Thyroid HormonesPhysiological Effects of Thyroid HormonesGrowth and MaturationSkeletal SystemCentral Nervous SystemAUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMMETABOLISMOxidative Metabolism and ThermogenesisCarbohydrate MetaboliismLipid MetabolismNitrogen MetabolismRegulation of Thyroid Hormone SecretionMechanism of Thyroid Hormone ActionSuggested ReadingChapter 4 Adrenal GlandsMorphologyAdrenal CortexAdrenocortical HormonesControl of Adrenocortical Hormone SynthesisAdrenal Steroid Hormones in BloodPostsecretory Metabolism of Adrenal Cortical HormonesPhysiology of the MineralocorticoidsEffects of Aldosterone on the KidneyRegulation of Aldosterone SecretionPhysiology of the GlucocorticoidsEffects on Energy MetabolismEffects on Water BalanceEffects on Lung DevelopmentGlucocorticoids and Responses to Injury Adrenocortical Function during StressMechanism of Action of GlucocorticoidsRegulation of Glucocorticoid SecretionAdrenal MedullaBiosynthesis of the Medullary CatecholaminesStorage, Release, and Metabolism of Medullary HormonesPhysiological Actions of Medullary HormonesRegulation Of Adrenal Medullary FunctionSuggested ReadingChapter 5 Principles of Hormonal IntegrationIntegration of Hormonal Signals at the Cellular and Molecular LevelAugmentation, Antagonism, and SynergyPermissivenessMaintaining Signal FidelityModulation of Responding SystemsSensitivity and CapacitySpare ReceptorsHormonal Integration at the Whole Animal LevelRedundancyReinforcementPush–Pull MechanismsChapter 6 Hormones of the Gastrointestinal Tract Functional Anatomy of the GI TractOverview of Digestion and Absorption Hormones of the Gastrointestinal Tract The Gastrin/Cholecystokinin Family Physiological Actions of GastrinRegulation of Gastrin SecretionCholecystokinin (CCK) The Secretin/Glucagon Superfamily Secretin 114GIP (Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide/Gastric Inhibitory Peptide)Glucagon-like Peptides 1 and 2 (GLP-1 and GLP-2)The Pancreatic Polypeptide Family NeurotensinThe Motilin/Ghrelin FamilyConcluding CommentsSuggested ReadingChapter 7 The Pancreatic IsletsMorphology of the Endocrine PancreasGlucagonBiosynthesis, Secretion, and MetabolismPhysiological Actions of GlucagonGlucose ProductionGlycogenolysisGluconeogenesisLipogenesis and KetogenesisUreogenesisRegulation of Glucagon SecretionInsulinBiosynthesis, Secretion, and MetabolismPhysiological Actions of InsulinEffects of Insulin Deficiency Effects on Adipose TissueEffects on Muscle 138Effects on LiverMechanism of Insulin ActionRegulation of Insulin SecretionGlucoseOther Circulating MetabolitesHormonal and Neural Control Cellular Events SomatostatinSuggested ReadingChapter 8 Hormonal Regulation of Fuel MetabolismGeneral Features of Energy MetabolismBody FuelsGlucose GlycogenProteinFatProblems Inherent in the Use of Glucose and Fat as Metabolic FuelsFuel ConsumptionThe Glucose Fatty Acid CycleAMP Activated Kinase (AMPK)Overall Regulation of Blood Glucose ConcentrationShort-term RegulationLong-term RegulationIntegrated Actions of Metabolic HormonesAdipose IssueMuscleLiverPancreatic IsletsRegulation of Metabolism during Feeding and FastingPostprandial Period Postabsorptive PeriodFastingHormonal Interactions during ExerciseShort-Term Maximal EffortSustained Aerobic ExerciseLong-term Regulation of Fuel StorageAdipogenesisHypothalamic Control of Appetite and Food IntakePeripheral Input to Hypothalamic Feeding and Satiety NeuronsAdiposity SignalsLeptinInsulin as an Adiposity SignalAdipokinesSatiety SignalsPerspectiveSuggested ReadingChapter 9 Regulation of Salt and Water BalanceGeneral ConsiderationsSalt and Water BalanceAntidiuretic Hormone (ADH)Antidiuretic EffectEffects on Blood PressureRegulation of ADH SecretionPlasma OsmolalityBlood VolumeDysfunctional StatesThe Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone SystemActions of Angiotensin IIActions on the Adrenal CortexActions on the Kidney Cardiovascular EffectsCentral Nervous System EffectsRegulation of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone SystemAtrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)Physiological ActionsCardiovascular ActionsRenal ActionsEffects on Aldosterone SecretionOther EffectsRegulation of ANF SecretionIntegrated Compensatory Responses to Changes in Salt and Water BalanceHemorrhageResponse of the Renin Angiotensin SystemResponse of the ADH SystemResponse of AldosteroneResponse of ANFDehydrationSalt Loading and DepletionSuggested ReadingChapter 10 Hormonal Regulation of Calcium BalanceGeneral Features of Calcium BalanceDistribution of Calcium in the BodyCalcium BalanceIntestinal AbsorptionBoneKidneyPhosphorus BalanceParathyroid Glands and Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)Biosynthesis, Storage, and Secretion of PTHMechanisms of Parathyroid Hormone ActionPhysiological Actions Of PTHActions on BoneActions on KidneyEffects on Intestinal AbsorptionPTH FragmentsParathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide (PTHRP)Regulation Of PTH SecretionCalcitoninCells of Origin Biosynthesis, Secretion, and MetabolismPhysiological Actions of CalcitoninActions on BoneActions on KidneyRegulation of SecretionThe Vitamin D-Endocrine SystemSynthesis and Metabolism Physiological Actions of 1,25(OH)2D3Actions on IntestineActions on BoneActions on KidneyActions on Parathyroid Glands Regulation Of 1,25(OH)2D3 ProductionCalcium Regulation of Plasma Calcium ConcentrationsIntegrated Actions of Calcitropic HormonesResponse to a Hypocalcemic ChallengeResponse to a Hypercalcemic ChallengeOther Hormones That Influence Calcium BalanceSuggested ReadingChapter 11 Hormonal Control of GrowthGrowth HormoneSynthesis, Secretion, and MetabolismMode of ActionPhysiological Actions of Growth HormoneEffects on Skeletal GrowthEffects of GH/IGF-I on Body CompositionRegulation of GH SecretionEffects of Age Regulators of GH SecretionActions Of GHRH, Somatostatin, IGF-I, and GH Relin on the SomatotropeThyroid HormonesDependence of GH Synthesis and Secretion on T3Importance of T3 for Expression Of GH ActionsInsulin Gonadal HormonesEffects of Estrogens on Epiphyseal Growth PlatesEffects on Growth Hormone Secretion and ActionEffects of AndrogensGlucocorticoidsSuggested ReadingChapter 12 Hormonal Control of Reproduction in the MaleMorphology of the TestesLeydig Cells and Seminiferous TubulesMale Reproductive TractControl of Testicular FunctionLeydig Cells Germinal EpitheliumTestosterone Secretion and MetabolismMechanism of ActionEffects on the Male Genital TractEffects on Secondary Sexual CharacteristicsSexual DifferentiationDevelopment of Internal Reproductive Ducts and Their DerivativesDevelopment of the External GenitaliaTesticular Descent into the ScrotumPostnatal DevelopmentAnomalies of Sexual DifferentiationRegulation of Testicular Function Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and the Hypothalamic Pulse GeneratorNegative Feedback RegulatorsInhibin and TestosteronePrepubertyPubertySuggested ReadingChapter 13 Hormonal Control of Reproduction in the Female: The Menstrual CycleFemale Reproductive TractOvariesFolliculogenesisOviducts and UterusOvarian HormonesEstrogensProgesterone InhibinRelaxin Control of Ovarian FunctionEffects of FSH and LH on the Developing FollicleEstradiol ProductionFollicular DevelopmentCellular Actions of FSH and LHEffects on Ovulation Effects on Corpus Luteum FormationEffects on Oocyte MaturationEffects on Corpus Luteal FunctionEffects on Ovarian Blood FlowPhysiological Actions of Ovarian Steroid HormonesEffects on the Reproductive TractMenstruation Effects on the Mammary Glands Other Effects of Ovarian HormonesMechanism of ActionRegulation of the Reproductive CyclePattern of Hormones in Blood during the Ovarian CycleRegulation Of FSH And LH SecretionNegative Feedback AspectsSelection of the Dominant FolliclePositive Feedback AspectsNeural Control of Gonadotropin SecretionSites of Feedback ControlTiming of Reproductive CyclesSuggested ReadingChapter 14 Hormonal Control of Pregnancy and LactationFertilization and ImplantationGamete TransportRole of the OviductsImplantation and the Formation of the PlacentaThe PlacentaPlacental HormonesHuman Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin (HCS)ProgesteroneEstrogens The Role of the Fetal Adrenal CortexThe Role of Progesterone and Estrogens in Sustaining PregnancyMaternal Adaptations to PregnancyCardiovascular AdaptationsRenal AdaptationsOsmoregulation and ThirstRespiratory AdjustmentsGas ExchangeMetabolic AdjustmentsCalcium BalanceParturitionThe Role of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH)The Role of OxytocinLactationGrowth and Development of the Mammary GlandsMilk ProductionLactation and Maternal Calcium BalanceMechanism of Prolactin Action Neuroendocrine MechanismsMilk Let-Down ReflexCellular Actions of OxytocinControl of Prolactin SecretionCellular Regulation of Prolactin SecretionProlactin in BloodLactation and Resumption of Ovarian CyclesSuggested ReadingIndex
Book details
ISBN: 9780123739759
Page Count: 344
Retail Price : £58.99
Upper division undergraduate and graduate students in biology, physiology, zoology; medical students; researchers and professionals in endocrinology and bone/mineral research.