Human Genes and Genomes,
Edition 1 Science, Health, Society
By Leon E. Rosenberg and Diane Drobnis Rosenberg

Publication Date: 18 May 2012
In the nearly 60 years since Watson and Crick proposed the double helical structure of DNA, the molecule of heredity, waves of discoveries have made genetics the most thrilling field in the sciences. The study of genes and genomics today explores all aspects of the life with relevance in the lab, in the doctor’s office, in the courtroom and even in social relationships. In this helpful guidebook, one of the most respected and accomplished human geneticists of our time communicates the importance of genes and genomics studies in all aspects of life. With the use of core concepts and the integration of extensive references, this book provides students and professionals alike with the most in-depth view of the current state of the science and its relevance across disciplines.

Key Features

  • Bridges the gap between basic human genetic understanding and one of the most promising avenues for advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human disease
  • Includes the latest information on diagnostic testing, population screening, predicting disease susceptibility, pharmacogenomics and more
  • Explores ethical, legal, regulatory and economic aspects of genomics in medicine
  • Integrates historical (classical) genetics approach with the latest discoveries in structural and functional genomics
About the author
By Leon E. Rosenberg, Department of Molecular Biology and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA and Diane Drobnis Rosenberg, Scientific Publishing Consultant, Lawrenceville, NJ
Table of Contents

Part 1 Introduction and Core Concepts

Chapter 1 Framing the Field

Rationale for Studying Genetics and Genomics

Why Study Human Genetics and Genomics Now?

Divergent Public Reactions to the Field

Anticipated Returns on Educational Investment

Chapter 2 Introducing the CORE CONCEPTS

Chapter 3 Genetics

Heredity and Variation


Conservation of Genetic Information

Human Variation

Chapter 4 Growth, Development, and Reproduction

Chromosomes: Number and Nature

Cell Division

Prenatal Development

Chapter 5 Transmission of Genes

Familial Similarities

Mendelian Inheritance

Applying Principles of Gene Segregation to Genetic Counseling

Exceptions to Expected Mendelian Patterns

Mitochondrial Inheritance

Chapter 6 Structure of Genes, Chromosomes, and Genomes

Gene Composition

From Genes and Chromosomes to Genomes

Chapter 7 Expression of Genes and Genomes

Gene Expression: History of Research

The Ribonucleic Acids (RNAS)

The Genetic Code

Chapter 8 Mutation

Nature of Mutations

Chapter 9 Biological Evolution

Historical Evidence Supporting the Theory of Biological Evolution

Evolutionary Principles

Molecular Evolution

Chapter 10 Human Individuality


Early Observations Regarding Uniqueness

Lessons from Genomics

Part 2 Genetic Disorders

Chapter 11 Chromosome Abnormalities

Introduction to Cytogenetics

Clinical Indications for Chromosome Analysis

Impact of Chromosome Abnormalities on Health

Types of Chromosome Abnormalities

Illustrative Examples

Chapter 12 Single-Gene Defects

Archibald Garrod

Terms and Principles

Panorama of Single-Gene Defects

Illustrative Examples

Chapter 13 Multifactorial Traits

Definitions and Formulations

Determining the Role of Genes

Identification of Specific Susceptibility Alleles

Illustrative Examples

Chapter 14 Disorders of Variable Genomic Architecture

Architecture of the Genome

Human Genomic Variation

Illustrative Examples

Chapter 15 Birth Defects


Embryonic Development

Developmental Genetics


Illustrative Examples

Chapter 16 The Genetics of Cancer


Biology of Cancer

Cancer Genetics

Cancer Genes

Genomic Approaches to Cancer

The Environment and Cancer

Illustrative Examples

Chapter 17 Detection and Treatment of Genetic Disorders


Genetic Counseling


Gene Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy

Part 3 Populations and Individuals

Chapter 18 Population and Evolutionary Genetics


The Hardy-Weinberg Law

Factors that Perturb Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Ancestry and Disease in the Genomic Era

Evolution in Populations

Societal Debates about Evolution: Science Versus Religion

Chapter 19 Personalized Genetics and Genomics

DNA Fingerprinting

Genetics and Medicines



Direct-to-Consumer Genomic Tests


Additional Reading

APPENDIX 1. Answers to Review Questions

APPENDIX 2. Credits and Permissions

Book details
ISBN: 9780123852120
Page Count: 446
Retail Price : £68.99
Instructor Resources
Students in various biology disciplines needing an understanding of the importance of genetics in studies; Allied health professionals and researchers in biology, oncology, immunology, virology, neuroscience, gene therapy, molecular medicine, and related areas including genetic epidemiology, pharmacogenetics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, systems biology, biomedical engineering, who need to know about genomics to understand social, societal and scientific implications