Physics in Biology and Medicine,
Edition 4
By Paul Davidovits

Publication Date: 05 Dec 2012

Physics in Biology and Medicine, Fourth Edition, covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields. This is a concise introductory paperback that provides practical techniques for applying knowledge of physics to the study of living systems and presents material in a straightforward manner requiring very little background in physics or biology. Applicable courses are Biophysics and Applied Physics.

This new edition discusses biological systems that can be analyzed quantitatively, and how advances in the life sciences have been aided by the knowledge of physical or engineering analysis techniques. The volume is organized into 18 chapters encompassing thermodynamics, electricity, optics, sound, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Each chapter provides a brief review of the background physics before focusing on the applications of physics to biology and medicine. Topics range from the role of diffusion in the functioning of cells to the effect of surface tension on the growth of plants in soil and the conduction of impulses along the nervous system. Each section contains problems that explore and expand some of the concepts. The text includes many figures, examples and illustrative problems and appendices which provide convenient access to the most important concepts of mechanics, electricity, and optics in the body.

Physics in Biology and Medicine will be a valuable resource for students and professors of physics, biology, and medicine, as well as for applied health workers.

Key Features

  • Provides practical techniques for applying knowledge of physics to the study of living systems
  • Presents material in a straight forward manner requiring very little background in physics or biology
  • Includes many figures, examples and illustrative problems and appendices which provide convenient access to the most important concepts of mechanics, electricity, and optics in the body
About the author
By Paul Davidovits, University Professor of Chemistry, Boston College, Massachusetts, USA
Table of Contents
PrefaceAbbreviations1 Static Forces 1.1 Equilibrium and Stability 1.2 Equilibrium Considerations for the Human Body 1.3 Stability of the Human Body under the Action of an External Force 1.4 Skeletal Muscles 1.5 Levers 1.6 The Elbow 1.7 The Hip 1.7.1 Limping 1.8 The Back 1.9 Standing Tip-Toe on One Foot 1.10 Dynamic Aspects of Posture Exercises2 Friction 2.1 Standing at an Incline 2.2 Friction at the Hip Joint 2.3 Spine Fin of a Catfish Exercises3 Translational Motion 3.1 Vertical Jump 3.2 Effect of Gravity on the Vertical Jump 3.3 Running High Jump 3.4 Range of a Projectile 3.5 Standing Broad Jump 3.6 Running Broad Jump (Long Jump) 3.7 Motion through Air 3.8 Energy Consumed in Physical Activity Exercises4 Angular Motion 4.1 Forces on a Curved Path 4.2 A Runner on a Curved Track 4.3 Pendulum 4.4 Walking 4.5 Physical Pendulum 4.6 Speed of Walking and Running 4.7 Energy Expended in Running 4.8 Alternate Perspectives on Walking and Running 4.9 Carrying Loads Exercises5 Elasticity and Strength of Materials 5.1 Longitudinal Stretch and Compression 5.2 A Spring 5.3 Bone Fracture: Energy Considerations 5.4 Impulsive Forces 5.5 Fracture Due to a Fall: Impulsive Force Considerations 5.6 Airbags: Inflating Collision Protection Devices 5.7 Whiplash Injury 5.8 Falling from Great Height 5.9 Osteoarthritis and Exercise Exercises6 Insect Flight 6.1 Hovering Flight 6.2 Insect Wing Muscles 6.3 Power Required for Hovering 6.4 Kinetic Energy of Wings in Flight 6.5 Elasticity of Wings Exercises7 Fluids 7.1 Force and Pressure in a Fluid 7.2 Pascal’s Principle 7.3 Hydrostatic Skeleton 7.4 Archimedes’ Principle 7.5 Power Required to Remain Afloat 7.6 Buoyancy of Aquatic Animals 7.7 Surface Tension 7.8 Soil Water 7.9 Insect Locomotion on Water 7.10 Contraction of Muscles 7.11 Surfactants Exercises8 The Motion of Fluids 8.1 Bernoulli’s Equation 8.2 Viscosity and Poiseuille’s Law 8.3 Turbulent Flow 8.4 Circulation of the Blood 8.5 Blood Pressure 8.6 Control of Blood Flow 8.7 Energetics of Blood Flow 8.8 Turbulence in the Blood 8.9 Arteriosclerosis and Blood Flow 8.10 Power Produced by the Heart 8.11 Measurement of Blood Pressure Exercises9 Heat and Kinetic Theory 9.1 Heat and Hotness 9.2 Kinetic Theory of Matter 9.3 Definitions 9.3.1 Unit of Heat 9.3.2 Specific Heat 9.3.3 Latent Heats 9.4 Transfer of Heat 9.4.1 Conduction 9.4.2 Convection 9.4.3 Radiation 9.4.4 Diffusion 9.5 Transport of Molecules by Diffusion 9.6 Diffusion through Membranes 9.7 The Respiratory System 9.8 Surfactants and Breathing 9.9 Diffusion and Contact Lenses Exercises10 Thermodynamics 10.1 First Law of Thermodynamics 10.2 Second Law of Thermodynamics 10.3 Difference between Heat and Other Forms of Energy 10.4 Thermodynamics of Living Systems 10.5 Information and the Second Law Exercises11 Heat and Life 11.1 Energy Requirements of People 11.1.1 Basal Metabolic Rate and Body Size 11.2 Energy from Food 11.3 Regulation of Body Temperature 11.4 Control of Skin Temperature 11.5 Convection 11.6 Radiation 11.7 Radiative Heating by the Sun 11.8 Evaporation 11.9 Resistance to Cold 11.10 Heat and Soil Exercises12 Waves and Sound 12.1 Properties of Sound 12.2 Some Properties of Waves 12.2.1 Reflection and Refraction 12.2.2 Interference 12.2.3 Diffraction 12.3 Hearing and the Ear 12.3.1 Performance of the Ear 12.3.2 Frequency and Pitch 12.3.3 Intensity and Loudness 12.4 Bats and Echoes 12.5 Sounds Produced by Animals 12.6 Acoustic Traps 12.7 Clinical Uses of Sound 12.8 Ultrasonic Waves Exercises13 Electricity 13.1 The Nervous System 13.1.1 The Neuron 13.1.2 Electrical Potentials in the Axon 13.1.3 Action Potential 13.1.4 Axon as an Electric Cable 13.1.5 Propagation of the Action Potential 13.1.6 An Analysis of the Axon Circuit 13.1.7 Synaptic Transmission 13.1.8 Action Potentials in Muscles 13.1.9 Surface Potentials 13.2 Electricity in Plants 13.3 Electricity in the Bone 13.4 Electric Fish Exercises14 Electrical Technology 14.1 Electrical Technology in Biological Research 14.2 Diagnostic Equipment 14.2.1 The Electrocardiograph 14.2.2 The Electroencephalograph 14.3 Physiological Effects of Electricity 14.4 Control Systems 14.5 Feedback 14.6 Sensory Aids 14.6.1 Hearing Aids 14.6.2 Cochlear Implant Exercises15 Optics 15.1 Vision 15.2 Nature of Light 15.3 Structure of the Eye 15.4 Accommodation 15.5 Eye and the Camera 15.5.1 Aperture and Depth of Field 15.6 Lens System of the Eye 15.7 Reduced Eye 15.8 Retina 15.9 Resolving Power of the Eye 15.10 Threshold of Vision 15.11 Vision and the Nervous System 15.12 Defects in Vision 15.13 Lens for Myopia 15.14 Lens for Presbyopia and Hyperopia 15.15 Extension of Vision 15.15.1 Telescope 15.15.2 Microscope 15.15.3 Confocal Microscopy 15.15.4 Fiber Optics Exercises16 Atomic Physics 16.1 The Atom 16.2 Spectroscopy 16.3 Quantum Mechanics 16.4 Electron Microscope 16.5 X-rays 16.6 X-ray Computerized Tomography 16.7 Lasers 16.7.1 Lasers Surgery 16.7.2 Lasers in Medical Imaging 16.7.3 Lasers in Medical Diagnostics 16.8 Atomic Force Microscopy Exercises17 Nuclear Physics 17.1 The Nucleus 17.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17.2.1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 17.2.2 Imaging with NMR 17.2.3 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) 17.3 Radiation Therapy 17.4 Food Preservation by Radiation 17.5 Isotopic Tracers 17.6 Laws of Physics and Life Exercises18 Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine 18.1 Nanostructures 18.2 Nanotechnology 18.3 Some Properties of Nanostructures 18.3.1 Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles 18.3.2 Surface Properties of Metal Nanoparticles 18.3.3 Superhydrophilicity of Nano-Structured Surfaces 18.4 Medical Applications of Nanotechnology 18.4.1 Nanoparticles as Biosensors 18.4.2 Nanotechnology in Cancer Therapy 18.4.3 Passive Targeted Heating of Tumors 18.4.4 Targeted Drug Delivery 18.4.5 Silver Nanoparticles in Medicine 18.5 Concerns Over Use of Nanoparticles in Consumer Products ExercisesAppendix A: Basic Concepts in MechanicsAppendix B: Review of ElectricityAppendix C: Review of OpticsBibliographyAnswers to Numerical ExercisesIndex
Book details
ISBN: 9780123865137
Page Count: 352
Retail Price : £54.99
  • Davidovits, Physics in Biology and Medicine, 3e, Sep 2007, 9780123694119
Premed students, Doctors, nurses, physiologists, or other applied health workers, and other individuals who wish to understand the nature of the mechanics of our bodies