Introduction to Actuarial and Financial Mathematical Methods,
Edition 1
By Stephen Garrett

Publication Date: 07 Apr 2015

This self-contained module for independent study covers the subjects most often needed by non-mathematics graduates, such as fundamental calculus, linear algebra, probability, and basic numerical methods. The easily-understandable text of Introduction to Actuarial and Mathematical Methods features examples, motivations, and lots of practice from a large number of end-of-chapter questions. For readers with diverse backgrounds entering programs of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the Society of Actuaries, and the CFA Institute, Introduction to Actuarial and Mathematical Methods can provide a consistency of mathematical knowledge from the outset.

Key Features

  • Presents a self-study mathematics refresher course for the first two years of an actuarial program
  • Features examples, motivations, and practice problems from a large number of end-of-chapter questions designed to promote independent thinking and the application of mathematical ideas
  • Practitioner friendly rather than academic
  • Ideal for self-study and as a reference source for readers with diverse backgrounds entering programs of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the Society of Actuaries, and the CFA Institute
About the author
By Stephen Garrett, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, UK
Table of Contents
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Part 1: Fundamental Mathematics
    • Chapter 1: Mathematical Language
      • Abstract
      • 1.1 Common mathematical notation
      • 1.2 More advanced notation
      • 1.3 Algebraic expressions
      • 1.4 Questions
    • Chapter 2: Exploring Functions
      • Abstract
      • 2.1 General Properties and Methods
      • 2.2 Combining Functions
      • 2.3 Common Classes of Functions
      • 2.4 Inverse Functions
      • 2.5 Actuarial Application: The Time Value of Money
      • 2.6 Questions
    • Chapter 3: Differential Calculus
      • Abstract
      • 3.1 Continuity
      • 3.2 Derivatives
      • 3.3 Derivatives of More Complicated Functions
      • 3.4 Algebraic Derivatives on Your Computer
      • 3.5 Actuarial Application: The Force of Interest
      • 3.6 Questions
    • Chapter 4: Differential Calculus II
      • Abstract
      • 4.1 An Introduction to Smoothness
      • 4.2 Higher-Order Derivatives
      • 4.3 Stationary and Turning Points
      • 4.4 Higher-Order Derivatives and Stationary Points on Your Computer
      • 4.5 Actuarial Application: Approximating Price Sensitivities
      • 4.6 Questions
    • Chapter 5: Sequences and Series
      • Abstract
      • 5.1 Sequences
      • 5.2 Series and Summations
      • 5.3 Evaluating Summations
      • 5.4 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
      • 5.5 Series and Summations on Your Computer
      • 5.6 Actuarial Application: Annuities
      • 5.7 Questions
    • Chapter 6: Integral Calculus I
      • Abstract
      • 6.1 Indefinite Integrals of Basic Functions
      • 6.2 Change of Variables Approach
      • 6.3 Indefinite Integrals of Products of Functions
      • 6.4 Indefinite Integrals of Rational Functions
      • 6.5 Indefinite Integrals on Your Computer
      • 6.6 Questions
    • Chapter 7: Integral Calculus II
      • Abstract
      • 7.1 Definite Integrals
      • 7.2 Integration Strategies
      • 7.3 Area Between Curves
      • 7.4 Definite Integrals on Your Computer
      • 7.5 Actuarial Application: The Force of Interest as a Function of Time
      • 7.6 Questions
  • Part II: Further Mathematics
    • Chapter 8: Complex Numbers
      • Abstract
      • 8.1 Imaginary and Complex Numbers
      • 8.2 Simple Operations on Complex Numbers
      • 8.3 Complex Roots of Real Polynomial Functions
      • 8.4 Argand Diagrams and the Polar Form
      • 8.5 A Simplified Polar Form
      • 8.6 Complex Numbers on Your Computer
      • 8.7 Questions
    • Chapter 9: Probability Theory
      • Abstract
      • 9.1 Fundamental Concepts
      • 9.2 Combinations and Permutations
      • 9.3 Introductory Formal Probability Theory
      • 9.4 Conditional Probabilities
      • 9.5 Probability on Your Computer
      • 9.6 Actuarial Application: Mortality
      • 9.7 Questions
    • Chapter 10: Introductory Linear Algebra
      • Abstract
      • 10.1 Basic Matrix Algebra
      • 10.2 Matrix Multiplication
      • 10.3 Square Matrices
      • 10.4 Solving Matrix Equations
      • 10.5 Solving Systems of Linear Simultaneous Equations
      • 10.6 Matrix Algebra on Your Computer
      • 10.7 Actuarial Application: Markov Chains
      • 10.8 Questions
    • Chapter 11: Implicit Functions and ODEs
      • Abstract
      • 11.1 Implicit Functions
      • 11.2 Ordinary Differential Equations
      • 11.3 Algebraic Solution of First-Order Boundary Value Problems
      • 11.4 Implicit Functions and ODEs on Your Computer
      • 11.5 Questions
    • Chapter 12: Multivariate Calculus
      • Abstract
      • 12.1 Partial Derivatives and Their Uses
      • 12.2 Critical Points of Bivariate Functions
      • 12.3 The Method of Lagrange Multipliers
      • 12.4 Bivariate Integral Calculus
      • 12.5 Multivariate Calculus on Your Computer
      • 12.6 Questions
    • Chapter 13: Introductory Numerical Methods
      • Abstract
      • 13.1 Root Finding
      • 13.2 Numerical Differentiation
      • 13.3 Numerical Integration
      • 13.4 Actuarial Application: Continuous Probability Distributions
      • 13.5 Questions
  • Part III: Worked Solutions to Questions
    • Chapter 1 Solutions
    • Chapter 2 Solutions
    • Chapter 3 Solutions
    • Chapter 4 Solutions
    • Chapter 5 Solutions
    • Chapter 6 Solutions
    • Chapter 7 Solutions
    • Chapter 8 Solutions
    • Chapter 9 Solutions
    • Chapter 10 Solutions
    • Chapter 11 Solutions
    • Chapter 12 Solutions
    • Chapter 13 Solutions
  • Appendix A: Mathematical Identities
    • A.1 Trigonometric Identities
    • A.2 Derivatives of Standard Functions
  • Appendix B: Long Division of Polynomials
    • B.1 Motivation
    • B.2 Performing the Long Division
    • B.3 Questions
    • B.4 Solutions
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780128001561
Page Count: 624
Retail Price : £65.99
  • Choudhry, Advanced Fixed Income Analysis, 2nd ed, 9780080999388, Jul 2014, 355 pp., $99.95
  • Garrett, Introduction to Mathematical Finance, 2nd ed, 9780080982403, Jul 2013, 470 pp., $77.95
  • Hirsa and Neftci, Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, 3rd ed, 9780123846822, Nov 2013, 528 pp., $99.95
Actuarial and finance students worldwide who need to learn or revisit fundamental applied mathematical tools and techniques