Mitochondrial Case Studies,
Edition 1
Underlying Mechanisms and Diagnosis
Edited by Russell Saneto, DO, PhD, Sumit Parikh and Bruce H Cohen
Publication Date:
08 Dec 2015
Mitochondrial Case Studies: Underlying Mechanisms and Diagnosis offers the science behind mitochondrial disease with a case studies approach. Since mitochondrial diseases are diverse and influenced by genetic, environmental, and social-economic factors, this publication will help students, physicians, scientists, health care students, and families recognize and accurately diagnose mitochondrial disease and learn about potential treatments.
Key Features
- Reviews case studies as a helpful teaching tool to increase awareness and improve diagnosis
- Provides information on underlying mechanisms of mitochondrial disease
- Includes basic mitochondrial dysfunction research through patient case studies to best illustrate the entire disease process
- Contributors
- Preface
- Chapter 1. Introduction: Mitochondrial Medicine
- Introduction
- Overview of Mitochondrial Structure and Function
- A Brief History of Clinical Mitochondrial Medicine and Clinical Features
- Part I. Mitochondrial DNA Encoded Diseases
- Chapter 2. Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS)
- Case Presentation
- Introduction
- Pathophysiology
- Diagnostic Approach
- Differential Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 3. MERRF: Myoclonus Epilepsy and Ragged Red Fibers
- Case Presentations
- Differential Diagnosis
- Treatment Strategies
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 4. Pearson Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategies
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 5. Kearns–Sayre Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach and Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Long-Term Outcome
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 6. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 7. Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Case Management
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 8. Leigh Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach and Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 9. Neuropathy, Ataxia, and Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis and Diagnostic Approach
- Clinical Presentation
- Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 10. Maternally Inherited (Mitochondrial) Diabetes
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 11. Sporadic Myopathy
- Case Presentations
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 2. Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS)
- Part II. Nuclear Encoded Diseases
- Chapter 12. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Effects on Brain Pathology Pre- and Postnatally
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 13. Friedreich Ataxia
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis and Diagnostic Approach
- Clinical Presentation
- Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 14. Nuclear Genetic Causes of Leigh and Leigh-Like Syndrome
- Introduction
- Diagnostic Pipeline
- Case Studies
- Discussion
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 15. Reversible Infantile Respiratory Chain Deficiency
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 16. Childhood Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 17. Juvenile Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Treatment
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 18. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia Secondary to Nuclear-Encoded Mitochondrial Genes
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Case Management
- Chapter 19. Infantile-Onset Spinocerebellar Ataxia (IOSCA)
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 20. MPV17-Related Hepatocerebral Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Depletion Syndrome
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 21. Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndromes Presenting in Childhood
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 22. Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy (MNGIE)
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 23. TK2-Related Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Testing Strategy
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 24. Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Case Management
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 25. Childhood-Onset Peripheral Neuropathy with Cognitive Decline
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 26. Brain-Specific Mitochondrial Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Disorders: Mitochondrial Arginyl-Transfer RNA Synthetase Deficiency
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 27. Mitochondrial Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Disorders Not Generally Affecting Brain
- Case Presentations
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 28. Defects in Post-Transcriptional Modification of Mitochondrial Transferase RNA: A Patient with Possible Mitochondrial-tRNA Translation Optimization Factor 1, MTO1 Dysfunction
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 29. Complex I Deficiency
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 30. Complex II Deficiency: Leukoencephalopathy Due to Mutated SDHAF1
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Long-Term Outcome and Treatment Strategy
- Pathophysiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 31. BCS1L Mutations as a Cause of Björnstad Syndrome–GRACILE Syndrome Complex III Deficiency
- Case Presentations
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 32. Complex IV
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 33. Complex V Disorders
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 34. Primary Cerebellar CoQ10 Deficiency
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 35. Multisystemic Infantile CoQ10 Deficiency with Renal Involvement
- Case Presentation
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Approach
- Treatment Strategy
- Long-Term Outcome
- Pathophysiology/Neurobiology of Disease
- Clinical Pearls
- Chapter 12. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency
- Index
Page Count: 338
- Allison and Scheffler, Mitochondrial Function, Part A (MIE volume), 2009, 9780080877761, $199.00
- Allison and Scheffler, Mitochondrial Function, Part B (MIE volume), 2009, 9780123746221, $199.00
- Dennis and Bradshaw, Intercellular Signaling in Development and Disease (Cell Signaling Collection, derivative Handbook of Cell Signaling), 2011, 9780123822154, $79.95
- Nicholls and Ferguson, Bioenergetics, Jul 2013, 9780123884251, $89.95
geneticists, neurologists, residents, fellows, and physicians in internal medicine and pediatrics; researchers in genetics, cell biology, and neurology.
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