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great book!!
The content involved is relatively close to the current level of technology
good book!
Helped me a lot to understand the hardware
Great resource
I am exited to teach this course to under graduate students. Hope this book will help the students to gain knowledge and incubate their ideas.
I am utilizing zyBook which has this as the core textbook. I have adapted this book for Fall 2022
Quick response from my sales representative
I have used this book as the core material of our architecture course continuously since it's very first edition.
Computer Architectures course at Czech Technical University in Prague MIPS Architecture Simulator
Es la mejor referencia para enseñar Arquitectura de Computadores. Estoy enseñando esta asignatura, utilizando este libro de referencia, desde 2012. Espero que sigan actualizándolo.
Waiting to see the new RISC-V Edition before deciding what text to adopt.
This looks like a great update to the core text for our course on computer architecture. I think we will move to either this book or the RISC-V version in the next academic year. I will suggest my co-lecturer on the course review that book.