Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, Second Edition provides an integrated look at major impacts to the Earth’s biosphere caused by diseases, algal blooms, insects, animals, species extinction, deforestation, land degradation, and comet and asteroid strikes, with important implications for humans.
This second edition from Elsevier’s Hazards and Disasters Series incorporates perspectives from the natural and social sciences to offer in-depth coverage of threats from microscopic organisms to celestial objects and their potential impacts. Contributions from expert biological, health, ecological, environmental, wildlife, physical, and health scientists, readers will gain valuable insights on damages, causality, economic impacts, preparedness, and mitigation.
Key Features
- Provides inter- and multi-disciplinary research accessible to both specialists and non-specialists
- Includes newly added chapters on emerging hazards and risks to earth’s ecosystems (land conversion and habitat loss) and human health (spread of diseases)
- Contains full-color tables, maps, diagrams, illustrations, and photographs of hazardous processes
1. Introduction
Ramesh Sivanpillai
2. Algal Blooms
Suzanne McGowan
3. Grasshopper Infestations and the Risks They Pose to Western North America Range and Crop Lands, North of Mexico
Scott Schell
4. Senegalese grasshopper: A major pest of the Sahel
Marion Le Gall
5. Locusts: An Introduction
Jeffrey Lockwood
6. Australian Plague Locust – Risk and Response
Ted Deveson, Chris Adriaansen
7. The Central American Locust: risk and prevention
Mario Antonio Poot-Pech
8. Animal Hazards—Their Nature and Distribution
Stephen Tsikalas
9. Loss of Biodiversity
Robert M. May
10. Sacred Groves of Kerala
Emma Jones, Claire Wooden, Sajith Variyar V.V., Ramesh Sivanpillai
11. Multidrug Resistance: A Threat to Antibiotic Era
Saif Hameed, Zeeshan Fatima, Dyuti Purkait, Suriya Rehman, Suchitra Rai
12. Chronic Environmental Diseases: Burdens, Causes, and Response
Sima Namin, Kirsten Beyer
13. Coral Bleaching
Robert van Woesik
14. Deforestation
Richard Houghton
15. Deforestation in Nepal: Status, Causes, Consequences and Responses
Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Hem Raj Acharya, Sagar K. Rimal, yadav uprety
16. Deforestation in Southeast Asia
Edgar Turner
17. Mangroves as Coastal Rainforests: Imminent Threats, Hazards and Changing Status of Ecosystem Services
Debajit Datta, Mrinmoyee Naskar, Syeda Tasneem, Shrabana Mazumder, Chandana Mitra
18. Land Degradation
Paolo D'Odorico
19. Desertification
John Oswald
20. Rangeland degradation
Jay Angerer, William Fox, June Wolfe, Doug Tolleson, Tony Owen
21. The Aral Sea disaster: revisiting the past to plan a better future
Elena Lioubimtseva
22. Ecological Impacts of Climate Change
George Malanson
23. Understanding the Risks of Ionizing Radiation Exposure: A case of Dichotomy between Science and Policy
Satish Nair
24. Meteor Impact Hazard
René DeHon
Environmental scientists, ecologists and biological scientists, agricultural scientists, public health specialists, policymakers