Bioprocess Engineering Principles,
Edition 3
By Ross Carlson, Ph.D. and Kate Morrissey, Ph.D.
Publication Date:
09 Dec 2024
Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Third Edition provides a solid introduction to bioprocess engineering for students with a limited engineering background. The book explains process analysis from an engineering perspective using worked examples and problems that relate to biological systems. Application of engineering concepts is illustrated in areas of modern biotechnology, such as recombinant protein production, bioremediation, biofuels, drug development, and tissue engineering, as well as microbial fermentation. With new and expanded material, this remains the book of choice for students seeking to move into bioprocess engineering
Key Features
- Includes more than 350 problems that demonstrate how fundamental principles are applied in areas such as biofuels, bioplastics, bioremediation, tissue engineering, site-directed mutagenesis, recombinant protein production, and drug development, as well as for traditional microbial fermentation
- Provides in-depth treatment of fluid flow, turbulence, mixing, and impeller design, reflecting recent advances in our understanding of mixing processes and their importance in determining the performance of cell cultures
- Focuses on underlying scientific and engineering principles rather than on specific biotechnology applications, providing a sound basis for teaching bioprocess engineering
- Presents new or expanded coverage of such topics as enzyme kinetics, downstream processing, disposable reactors, genetic engineering, and the technology of fermentation
1. Purpose of this edition (Scope of textbook) Relevance Teaching Bioprocess Engineering Student and Instructor Resources 2. Bioprocess Development: An Interdisciplinary Challenge Steps in Bioprocess development Key Processes/Examples PART 1: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 3. Microbiology and Biochemistry Cells and Organisms Nomenclature Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Viruses Cellular Composition and Basic Metabolism Biomass Macromolecular Components Basic Metabolism Growth Media Chapter Summary 4. Material Balances Thermodynamic Principles Law of Conservation of Mass Material Balance Calculations Unsteady-State Material Balance Equations Stoichiometry of Cell Growth and Product Formation Worked Examples 5. Energy Balances Basic Energy Concepts General Energy Balance Equations Energy Balance for Nonreactive Processes Energy Balance Due to Reaction Unsteady-State Energy Balance Equations Enthalpy Calculations Enthalpy Change for Nonreactive Processes Enthalpy Change Due to Reaction Heat of Reaction for Process with Biomass Production Cell Culture Energy Balance Worked Examples Chapter Summary 6. Enzyme and Cell Growth Kinetics Introduction to Enzymes Enzyme Kinetics General Reaction Kinetics Basic Reaction Theory Michaelis-Menten Inhibition models pH and Temperature Effects Worked Examples Cell Growth Cell Culture Yields Cell Growth Kinetics Substrate Uptake Kinetics Production Kinetics Culture Condition Effects Worked Examples Chapter Summary PART 2: BIOREACTORS AND TRANSPORT 7. Bioreactors Reactor Engineering Homogeneous Reactions Heterogeneous Reactions Monitoring and Control of Bioreactors Practical Considerations for Bioreactor Design Aseptic Operation Inoculation and Sampling Impeller, Baffle, and Sparger Design Evaporation Control Bioreactor Configurations Ideal Bioreactor Operation Sterilisation Sterilisation of Liquids Sterilisation of Air Worked Examples Chapter Summary 8. Mixing Functions of Mixing Mixing Equipment Power Inputs and Pumping Capacity Mechanisms of Mixing Factors Affecting Mixing Effectiveness, Scale-up, and Improving Mixing Systems Worked Examples Chapter Summary 9. Bioreactor Mass Transfer Molecular Diffusion Role of Diffusion in Bioprocessing Convective Mass Transfer Oxygen Transfer in Cell Cultures Oxygen Uptake by Cells Factors Affecting Oxygen Transfer Measuring Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and Oxygen Solubility Oxygen Mass Transfer Correlation Measurement of kLa Application and Design of Mass Transfer Systems Plug Flow Reactors Immobilized Systems Worked Examples Chapter Summary 10. Bioreactor Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Equipment Mechanisms of Heat Transfer Conduction Heat Transfer Between Fluids Application and Design of Heat Transfer Systems Worked Examples Chapter Summary PART 3: PROCESS INTEGRATION AND APPLICATION 11. Unit Operations/Downstream Processing Overview of Processes and Cell Removal Operations Filtration Centrifugation Cell Disruption Extraction Precipitation Adsorption Chromatography Crystallization Drying Worked Examples Chapter Summary 12. Genetic and Evolutionary Engineering of Organisms for Bioprocessing Introduction Strategies and Systems Metabolic Engineering Metabolic Modeling Integration of Process and Organism Design Protein Engineering Chapter Summary 13. Process Engineering and Design of Bioprocesses Sustainable Bioprocesses Biobased Products and Feedstocks Sustainable Bioprocess Example 1: Starch-Based Ethanol Sustainable Bioprocess Example 2: Anaerobic Digestion Sustainable Bioprocess Example 3: Bio-Based PLA Environmental Engineering Processes Environmental Engineering Background Environmental Engineering Process Example 1: Wastewater Treatment Biomedical Engineering Processes Biomedical Engineering Process Example 1: Therapeutic Proteins Biomedical Engineering Process Example 2: Monoclonal Antibodies Chapter Summary APPENDICIES A: Common Unit Conversions B: Conversion Factors C: Ideal Gas Constants D: Physical and Chemical Property Data
Page Count: 960
Retail Price (USD)
9780080966595; 9780123749796; 9780123850157; 9780444637833; 9780128012246; 9781907568282; 9780444636638
Senior undergraduate students in applied biology, biomedical engineering, or chemical engineering taking final year options in bioprocessing/biotechnology; Industrial practitioners working in biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies, food industries, and those trained in molecular biology and cell manipulation, who need to acquire knowledge on the principles of large scale processing of biological material
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