Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
Edition 6
By Sheldon M. Ross

Publication Date: 16 Nov 2020

Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Sixth Edition, uniquely emphasizes how probability informs statistical problems, thus helping readers develop an intuitive understanding of the statistical procedures commonly used by practicing engineers and scientists. Utilizing real data from actual studies across life science, engineering, computing and business, this useful introduction supports reader comprehension through a wide variety of exercises and examples. End-of-chapter reviews of materials highlight key ideas, also discussing the risks associated with the practical application of each material. In the new edition, coverage includes information on Big Data and the use of R.

This book is intended for upper level undergraduate and graduate students taking a probability and statistics course in engineering programs as well as those across the biological, physical and computer science departments. It is also appropriate for scientists, engineers and other professionals seeking a reference of foundational content and application to these fields.

Key Features

  • Provides the author’s uniquely accessible and engaging approach as tailored for the needs of Engineers and Scientists
  • Features examples that use significant real data from actual studies across life science, engineering, computing and business
  • Includes new coverage to support the use of R
  • Offers new chapters on big data techniques
About the author
By Sheldon M. Ross, Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to statistics

CHAPTER 2 Descriptive statistics

CHAPTER 3 Elements of probability

CHAPTER 4 Random variables and expectation

CHAPTER 5 Special random variables

CHAPTER 6 Distributions of sampling statistics

CHAPTER 7 Parameter estimation

CHAPTER 8 Hypothesis testing

CHAPTER 9 Regression

CHAPTER 10 Analysis of variance

CHAPTER 11 Goodness of fit tests and categorical data analysis

CHAPTER 12 Nonparametric hypothesis tests

CHAPTER 13 Quality control

CHAPTER 14 Life testing

CHAPTER 15 Simulation, bootstrap statistical methods, and permutation tests

CHAPTER 16 Machine learning and big data

Book details
ISBN: 9780128243466
Page Count: 704
Illustrations : 150 illustrations (75 in full color)
Retail Price : £97.99

9780123948113; 9780128043172; 9780123749703; 9780123814166


Undergraduate and graduate students in statistics, engineering or other sciences

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