Sustainable Design through Process Integration: Fundamentals and Applications to Industrial Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation, and Profitability Enhancement, Third Edition provides authoritative, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow coverage of the fundamental concepts and practical techniques on the use of process integration to maximize the efficiency and sustainability in industrial processes. Sections cover new information on the inclusion of sustainability objectives within different front-end loading stages of design, carbon management and monetization, design of renewable energy systems and integration with existing infrastructure, incorporation of process safety in design, resilience principles and design approaches, modular design, industrial symbiosis, and open-ended mini projects on sustainable design.
Key Features
- Provides authoritative, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow coverage of the fundamental concepts and practical techniques in the use of process integration to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes
- Helps readers systematically develop rigorous targets that benchmark the performance of industrial processes and develop cost-effective implementations
- Contains state-of-the-art process integration approaches and applications, including graphical, algebraic, and mathematical techniques
- Covers applications, including process economics, targeting for conservation of mass and energy, synthesis of innovative processes, retrofitting of existing systems, integration of process components, and in-process pollution prevention
- Includes numerous examples and case studies for a broad array of industrial systems and processes
What is sustainability?
Metrics for sustainability
Conventional process design
1.4. What is sustainable design through process integration?
1.5. Motivating examples on the generation and integration of sustainable-design alternatives
1.6. Structure and learning outcomes of the book
2: overview of process economics
2.1. Cost types and estimation
2.1.1. Capital-cost estimation
2.1.2. Equipment-cost estimation
2.1.3. Operating-cost estimation
2.1.4. Production-cost estimation
2.2 depreciation
2.2.1. Linear depreciation (straight-line method):
2.2.3. Modified accelerated cost recovery system (macrs)
2.3. Break-even analysis
2.4. Economic sensitivity analysis
2.5. Time value of money
2.6. Profitability analysis
2.5.1. Profitability criteria without the time-value of money:
2.5.2. Profitability criteria with the time-value of money
2.5.3. Comparison of alternatives
3: benchmarking process performance through overall mass targeting
3.1. Stoichiometry-based targeting
3.2. Stoichiometric-economic targeting
3.3. Mass-integration targeting
3.3.1. Targeting for minimum waste discharge
3.3.2. Targeting for minimum purchase of fresh material utilities
3.3.3. Targeting for maximum product yield
3.4. Mass integration strategies for attaining the targets
4: front-end loading approaches to greenfield design and process improvement projects
4.1. Greenfield versus retrofitting design
4.2. Front-end loading: steps, design process, economic impact
4.3. The use of benchmarks in creating and assessing preliminary designs
4.4. Case studies
5: direct-recycle networks
5.1. Problem statement for the design of direct-recycle networks
5.2. Selection of sources, sinks, and recycle routes
5.3. Direct-recycle targets through material-recycle pinch diagram
5.4. Design rules from the material-recycle pinch diagram
5.5. Extension to the case of impure fresh
5.6. Insights for process modifications
5.7. The source-sink mapping diagram for matching sources and sinks
5.8. Multicomponent source-sink mapping diagram
5.9. Algebraic targeting approach
5.10. Case study: targeting for water usage and discharge in a formic acid plant
6: synthesis of mass-exchange networks
6.1. Mass-exchange network synthesis task
6.2. The men-targeting approach
6.3. The corresponding composition scales
6.4. The mass-exchange pinch diagram
6.5. Constructing pinch diagrams without process msas
6.6. Construction of the men configuration with minimum number of exchangers
6.6.1. Feasibility criteria at the pinch
6.6.2. Operating line versus equilibrium line
6.6.3. Network synthesis
6.7. Trading off fixed cost versus operating cost
6.7.1. Trading off fixed and operating costs by varying the mass-exchange driving forces
6.7.2. Trading off fixed and operating costs by mixing rich streams
6.7.3. Trading off fixed and operating costs using mass-load paths
6.8. The composition-interval diagram
6.9. Table of exchangeable loads
6.10. Mass-exchange cascade diagram
7: combining mass-integration strategies
7.1. Process representation from a mass-integration species perspective
7.2. Sequential approach to targeting and implementing mass integration strategies
7.3. Case studies
8: heat integration
8.1. Hen-synthesis problem statement
8.2. Minimum utility targets via the thermal pinch diagram
8.3. Minimum utility targets using the algebraic cascade diagram
8.4. Screening of multiple utilities using the grand composite representation
8.5. Stream matching and the synthesis of heat-exchange networks
9: integration of combined heat and power systems
9.1. Heat engines
8.1. Principles of heat engines
8.2. Shortcut correlations for modeling steam properties
9.2. Steam turbines and power plants
9.3. Placement of heat engines and integration with thermal
pinch analysis
9.4. Heat pumps
9.5. Closed –cycle vapor compression heat pumps using a separate working fluid (refrigerant)
9.6. Vapor-compression heat pumps and thermal pinch diagram
9.7. Open-cycle mechanical vapor recompression using a process stream as the working fluid
9.8. Absorption refrigeration cycles
9.9. Cogeneration targeting
9.10. Additional readings
10: synthesis of heat-induced separation network for condensation of volatile organic compounds
10.1. Problem statement
10.2. System configuration
10.3. Integration of mass and heat objectives
10.4. Design approach
9.4.1. Minimization of external cooling utility
9.4.2. Selection of cooling utilities
9.4.3. Trading off fixed cost versus operating cost
10.5. Special case: dilute waste streams
10.6. Case study: removal of methyl ethyl ketone
10.7. Effect of pressure
11: property integration
11.1. Property-based material recycle pinch diagram
11.2. Process modification based on property-based pinch diagram
11.3. Clustering techniques for multiple properties
11.4. Cluster-based source-sink mapping diagram for property-based recycle and interception
11.5. Property-based design rules for recycle and interception
11.6. Dealing with multiplicity of cluster-to-property mapping
11.7. Relationship between clusters and mass fractions
11.8. Inter-dependent properties
11.9. Coupling of property, mass, and heat integration
11.10. Additional readings
12: overview of optimization
12.1. What is mathematical programming?
12.2. How to formulate an optimization model?
12.3. Using the software lingo to solve optimization problems
12.4. Interpreting dual prices in the results of a lingo solution
12.5. A brief introduction to sets, convex analysis, and symbols used in optimization
12.5.1. Sets
12.5.2. Convex analysis
12.5.3. Symbols used in optimization formulations
12.6. The use of 0-1 binary-integer variables
12.7. Enumerating multiple solutions using integer cuts
12.8. Modeling disjunctions and discontinuous functions with binary integer variables
12.8.1. Discontinuous functions
12.8.2. Big-m reformulation:
12.8.3. Convex-hull reformulation:
12.9. Using set formulations in lingo
12.9.1. Summation:
12.9.2. Defining sets:
12.9.3. Entering data:
12.9.4. The @for command
12.9.5. Dealing with double summations
12.9.6. Entering two-dimensional data
12.9.7. Using @for in the case of repeating constraints with two-dimensional variables
12.9.8. Adding logical operators
12.10. Multi objective optimization
13: an optimization approach to direct recycle
13.1. Problem statement
13.2. Problem representation
13.3. Optimization formulation
13.4. Property-based direct recycle
13.5. Simultaneous mass and heat integration in direct recycle
13.6. Additional readings
14: synthesis of mass-exchange networks: a mathematical programming approach
Generalization of the composition interval diagram
Problem formulation
14.3. Optimization of outlet compositions
14.4. Stream matching and network synthesis
14.5. Synthesis of reactive mass-exchange networks
15: mathematical optimization techniques for mass integration
15.1. Problem statement and challenges
15.2. Synthesis of msa-induced wins
15.2.1. The path diagram
15.2.2. Integration of the path and the pinch diagrams
15.2.3. Screening of candidate msas using a hybrid of path and pinch diagrams
15.3. Developing strategies for segregation, mixing, and direct recycle
15.4. Integration of interception with segregation, mixing, and recycle
16: mathematical techniques for the synthesis of heat-exchange networks
16.1. Targeting for minimum heating and cooling utilities
16.2. Stream matching and hen synthesis
16.3. Handling scheduling and flexibility issues in hen synthesis
16.4. Retrofitting of heat-exchange networks
17: synthesis of combined heat and reactive mass-exchange networks
17.1. Synthesis of combined heat- and reactive mass-exchange networks
18: water-energy nexus
18.1. Water for energy applications and energy for water applications
18.2. Multi objective optimization approaches to water-energy nexus
19: thermal desalination processes
19.1. Characteristics of seawater
19.2. Single-effect evaporators
19.3. Multiple-effect evaporators (mee)/multi-effect distillation (med)
19.4. Multi-stage flash (msf) desalination systems
20: design of membrane networks
20.1. Classification of water-treatment and desalination systems
20.2. Modeling and design of reverse-osmosis systems
20.3. Modeling and design and thermal membrane distillation systems
21: integration of solar energy with industrial infrastructure and resources
21.1. Modeling of solar systems
21.2. Integration of solar systems with other energy sources
21.3. Solar-assisted desalination
21.4. Integration of solar energy with chemical processing
22: modular design and distributed manufacturing
22.1. Principles and applications of modular design
22.2. Principles and applications of distributed manufacturing
22.3. Economic and environmental considerations for modular and distributed manufacturing
23: inherently safer design and resilience
23.1. Principles of inherently safer design
23.2. Principles of resiliences
23.3. The use of process integration to enhance safety and design
24: carbon management and monetization
24.1. Sources of carbon
24.2. Carbon capture and sequestration
24.3. Monetization of co2 into value-added products
24.4. Economic, environmental, and policy considerations in carbon management and monetization
25: industrial symbiosis
25.1. Eco-industrial parks
22.2. Carbon-hydrogen-oxygen symbiosis networks
22.3. Mass and energy integration in industrial symbiosis
26: macroscopic approaches of process integration
20.1. Linkage of the process with the surroundings
20.2. Material flow analysis and reverse problem formulation for watersheds
20.3. Process integration as an enabling tool in environmental impact assessment
20.4. Process integration in life cycle analysis
27: concluding thoughts: launching successful process-integration initiatives and applications
27.1. Commercial applicability
27.2. Pitfalls in implementing process integration
27.3. Starting and sustaining pi initiatives and projects
Appendix i: conversion relationships for concentrations and conversion factor for units
i.1. Basic relationships for converting concentrations
i.1 1. Mass versus molar compositions
i.1.2. Gas composition versus partial pressure
i.1.3 parts per million
i.2. Key conversion factors for different sets of units
Appendix ii: modeling of mass-exchange units for environmental applications
ii.1. What is a mass exchanger?
ii.2. Equilibrium
ii.3. Interphase mass transfer
ii.4. Types and sizes of mass exchangers
ii.5. Minimizing cost of mass-exchange systems
Appendix iii: modeling of steam and utility systems