Photovoltaic Device Physics and Materials: Solar Cell, Energy Management, and Retinomorphic Structures, Third Edition reflects that the physics behind these three important photovoltaics applications is the same while the device structure, designs, and materials used to optimally implement this physics varies. These variations come from differences in the incoming spectra, the materials utilized, and differences in the concomitant light trapping required. The importance of the materials utilized requires extensive examination and exploration of emerging inorganics, including perovskites, organics, and 2-D materials.
An additional consideration that is addressed is device planar extent, which varies with device application. This thoroughly revised and expanded text is a valuable resource for students and researchers looking to learn about photovoltaic or solar cell devices, as well as faculty, engineers, R&D, government and industry labs, and medical facilities.
Key Features
- Provides a classic text (previously ‘Solar Cell Physics’) that has been updated with new advances in devices and materials, including 2-D nanofilms, semiconductor nanowires, and thin film organics and perovskites
- Underscores the concept that photovoltaic device physics and materials advances are applicable to several fields from engineering to medicine
- Covers important theoretical points accompanied by concrete demonstrations using simulations created with the author’s well-known AMPS computer code
2. Material Properties and Device Physics Basic to Photovoltaics
3. Structures, Key Materials, and Scale in Photovoltaic Devices
4. Homojunctions: Structures, Materials and Applications
5. Heterojunctions: Structures, Materials and Applications
6. Surface-barrier Devices: Structures, Materials and Applications
7. Dye-sensitized Devices: Structures, Materials and Applications
8. Emerging Materials Systems for Photovoltaic Devices
Wang, Liu, Wang, Stroe, Fernande
Dwivedi, Jain, Gupta & Chaturve