Engineering Energy Storage,
Edition 2
By Jacob Joseph Lamb and Odne Stokke Burheim
Publication Date:
24 Oct 2024
Engineering Energy Storage, Second Edition, explains the engineering concepts of different energy technologies in a coherent manner, assessing underlying numerical material to evaluate energy, power, volume, weight, and cost of new and existing energy storage systems. Offering numerical examples and problems with solutions, this fundamental reference on engineering principles gives guidance on energy storage devices, setting up energy system plans for smart grids, engineering single technologies and comparing them, understanding the reasoning for losses in efficiency, and much more. This new edition advances the description of energy revolutions, with the premise that we are now in the most invasive and comprehensive energy revolution since the first industrial revolution. There is increased focus on the specifics of energy and power, as well as charging times for energy storage solutions compared to traditional means. The chapter on batteries is extensively expanded and now considers the carbon footprint of battery production and battery production processes. All technology costs are updated, and mineral limitations for the technologies are also discussed. More information regarding use scenarios for different energy storage solutions is included, and the exercises and worked problems are renewed and augmented, giving the reader a deeper understanding of the engineering aspects of energy storage. Designed for those in traditional fields of science as well as professional engineers in applied industries, this book is an ideal resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, engineers, R&D, and industrial personnel working with energy storage systems or looking to extend their competencies into new areas.
Key Features
- Contains chapter-based numerical examples, with applied industry problems and solutions
- Assesses underlying numerical material for evaluating energy, power, volume, weight, and cost of new and existing energy storage systems
- Offers a cross-disciplinary look across electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering aspects of energy storage
New Features
• - All chapters will be reviewed and updated; • - Major new sections added to Chapters 1, 4, 7, and 8; • - Key topics added or expanded: energy revolution, specifics of energy, power, and charging time, carbon footprint of battery production and processes, use scenarios, mineral limitations, updated costs; • - Exercises and worked problems renewed and augmented, to support learning; • - +15% in new content, alongside updates.
1 Energy Storage
1.1 A Brief History of Energy
1.2 Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
1.3 Energy, power and other aspects
1.3.1 Energy Storage Systems
1.3.2 Energy and Power for Transportation
1.3.3 Volume and Mass
1.3.4 Technology Performance
1.3.5 Fueling Rate
1.3.6 Efficiency and Propagation of Efficiency Losses
2 General Thermodynamics
2.1 The First Law and Internal Energy, U
2.2 Second Law and Entropy
2.2.1 Reversible Adiabatic must be Isentropic
2.2.2 The Carnot Efficiency Limitation
2.3 Pressure and Volume
2.4 Enthalpy and Control Volumes
2.5 Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical Potential
3 Mechanical Energy Storage
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mechanical Energy Storage
3.2.1 Flywheels
3.2.2 Hydroelectric Energy Storage
4 Thermal Energy Storage
4.1 Heat vs Thermal Energy
4.2 Single Phase Energy Storage - Sensible Heat
4.3 Two Phase Thermal Energy Storage - Latent Heat
4.3.1 Single Component Systems
4.3.2 Two Component Systems - Eutectic and Non-Eutectic Heat
4.3.3 Reaction Heat
4.4 Cooling and energy storage
4.4.1 Vapour-Liquid Phase Diagrams
4.4.2 Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems
4.4.3 From two-phase to three-phase energy storage systems
5 Thermomechanical Energy Storage
5.1 Thermodynamics - Heat, Work and States
5.2 Compressed Air Energy Storage
5.2.1 Phase Change Materials
5.2.2 Cryogenic Energy Storage
5.2.3 Other Compressed Gases
5.3 Solar Power Towers
6 Electrochemical Energy Storage
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Nernst Equation and the Electromotoric Force - EMF
6.2.1 The Free Energy of a Reaction
6.2.2 The Electrochemical Free Energy
6.2.3 Half Cell Reactions
6.2.4 Ohm’s Law - Power and Potential
6.3 Concentration and Nernst Equation
6.3.1 Activity of Components and Species
6.3.2 EMF and Concentration
6.3.3 Concentration Polarization Overpotentials
6.3.4 Liquid Junction Potential 6.4 Electrode Reaction Kinetics
6.4.1 The Equilibrium Reaction Rate and Constant
6.4.2 Butler-Volmer Overpotentials
6.4.3 The Tafel Overpotential - an Approximation
6.4.4 Charge Transfer Resistance Overpotentials, RCT - yet an approximation
6.4.5 Overpotentials for Competing Electrode Reactions
7 Secondary Batteries
7.1 Battery terminology
7.2 Red-ox cells and oxidation number
7.3 Charging and Discharge Power and Efficiency
7.4 Battery Capacity
7.5 Battery footprint
7.5.1 Accumulated weight
7.5.2 Environmental footprint
7.6 Battery chemistry
7.6.1 Lead Acid battery
7.6.2 NiCd batteries
7.6.3 NiMeH batteries
7.6.4 ZEBRA batteries
7.7 Li-ion batteries
7.7.1 Manufacturing of Li-ion batteries
7.8 Flow Cell Batteries
7.8.1 RedOx Flow Batteries
7.8.2 Concentration Flow Batteries
8 Hydrogen for Energy Storage
8.1 Hydrogen Production; Water electrolysis
8.1.1 Water electrolysis thermodynamics
8.1.2 Electrolysis Technologies
8.1.3 Other Types of Electrolysis
8.1.4 Hydrogen from coal and natural gas
8.2 Hydrogen Storage and Distribution
8.2.1 Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen
8.2.2 Hydrogen Storage Technologies
8.3 Reuse of Hydrogen: Fuel Cells
8.3.1 Fuel cell thermodynamics
8.3.2 Fuel cell technologies
8.4 Mineral limitations
8.5 Perspectives of hydrogen requirements for various sectors
9 Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and Conversion
9.1 Conventional Capacitors
9.2 Supercapacitors
9.3 Deploying Supercapacitors
9.4 Pseudo- and Hybrid Supercapacitors
A Symbols and Constants
B Adiabatic Compression of Air
C Para and Ortho Hydrogen
1.1 A Brief History of Energy
1.2 Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
1.3 Energy, power and other aspects
1.3.1 Energy Storage Systems
1.3.2 Energy and Power for Transportation
1.3.3 Volume and Mass
1.3.4 Technology Performance
1.3.5 Fueling Rate
1.3.6 Efficiency and Propagation of Efficiency Losses
2 General Thermodynamics
2.1 The First Law and Internal Energy, U
2.2 Second Law and Entropy
2.2.1 Reversible Adiabatic must be Isentropic
2.2.2 The Carnot Efficiency Limitation
2.3 Pressure and Volume
2.4 Enthalpy and Control Volumes
2.5 Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical Potential
3 Mechanical Energy Storage
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mechanical Energy Storage
3.2.1 Flywheels
3.2.2 Hydroelectric Energy Storage
4 Thermal Energy Storage
4.1 Heat vs Thermal Energy
4.2 Single Phase Energy Storage - Sensible Heat
4.3 Two Phase Thermal Energy Storage - Latent Heat
4.3.1 Single Component Systems
4.3.2 Two Component Systems - Eutectic and Non-Eutectic Heat
4.3.3 Reaction Heat
4.4 Cooling and energy storage
4.4.1 Vapour-Liquid Phase Diagrams
4.4.2 Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems
4.4.3 From two-phase to three-phase energy storage systems
5 Thermomechanical Energy Storage
5.1 Thermodynamics - Heat, Work and States
5.2 Compressed Air Energy Storage
5.2.1 Phase Change Materials
5.2.2 Cryogenic Energy Storage
5.2.3 Other Compressed Gases
5.3 Solar Power Towers
6 Electrochemical Energy Storage
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Nernst Equation and the Electromotoric Force - EMF
6.2.1 The Free Energy of a Reaction
6.2.2 The Electrochemical Free Energy
6.2.3 Half Cell Reactions
6.2.4 Ohm’s Law - Power and Potential
6.3 Concentration and Nernst Equation
6.3.1 Activity of Components and Species
6.3.2 EMF and Concentration
6.3.3 Concentration Polarization Overpotentials
6.3.4 Liquid Junction Potential 6.4 Electrode Reaction Kinetics
6.4.1 The Equilibrium Reaction Rate and Constant
6.4.2 Butler-Volmer Overpotentials
6.4.3 The Tafel Overpotential - an Approximation
6.4.4 Charge Transfer Resistance Overpotentials, RCT - yet an approximation
6.4.5 Overpotentials for Competing Electrode Reactions
7 Secondary Batteries
7.1 Battery terminology
7.2 Red-ox cells and oxidation number
7.3 Charging and Discharge Power and Efficiency
7.4 Battery Capacity
7.5 Battery footprint
7.5.1 Accumulated weight
7.5.2 Environmental footprint
7.6 Battery chemistry
7.6.1 Lead Acid battery
7.6.2 NiCd batteries
7.6.3 NiMeH batteries
7.6.4 ZEBRA batteries
7.7 Li-ion batteries
7.7.1 Manufacturing of Li-ion batteries
7.8 Flow Cell Batteries
7.8.1 RedOx Flow Batteries
7.8.2 Concentration Flow Batteries
8 Hydrogen for Energy Storage
8.1 Hydrogen Production; Water electrolysis
8.1.1 Water electrolysis thermodynamics
8.1.2 Electrolysis Technologies
8.1.3 Other Types of Electrolysis
8.1.4 Hydrogen from coal and natural gas
8.2 Hydrogen Storage and Distribution
8.2.1 Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen
8.2.2 Hydrogen Storage Technologies
8.3 Reuse of Hydrogen: Fuel Cells
8.3.1 Fuel cell thermodynamics
8.3.2 Fuel cell technologies
8.4 Mineral limitations
8.5 Perspectives of hydrogen requirements for various sectors
9 Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and Conversion
9.1 Conventional Capacitors
9.2 Supercapacitors
9.3 Deploying Supercapacitors
9.4 Pseudo- and Hybrid Supercapacitors
A Symbols and Constants
B Adiabatic Compression of Air
C Para and Ortho Hydrogen
Page Count: 300
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Engineers, R&D, and other industrial personnel working on energy storage systems at power or energy transmission companies
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