Face Reading in Chinese Medicine,
Edition 2
By Lillian Bridges

Publication Date: 06 Jul 2012

An exciting new, full-colour edition of Face Reading in Chinese Medicine featuring over 200 colour photographs and practical instructions on how to conduct a face reading!

Face reading has been part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries, and Professor Lillian Bridges is a popular academic and international lecturer on the subject who gained her fascinating knowledge through her family line of Master Face Readers in China.

Based on an understanding of the shapes, markings and features of a face, practitioners can learn about the health and life of a patient relating to the principles of Chinese medicine. In addition to understanding how the body's internal functions - physical, psychological and emotional - can be seen on a face, practitioners can also learn how to evaluate Shen to understand non-verbal expressions.Technical and detailed information is presented in an upbeat, insightful and highly readable manner. This was the first book to focus on the deeper aspects of face reading and diagnosis, this edition includes ancient Taoist knowledge regarding the Original Face and Facial Jing and Qi markers which have previously only been taught through the oral tradition.

Key Features

  • Clear discussions demonstrate how this technique can be used as a supplement to other diagnostic tools in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Engaging, insightful, highly readable text is written by a well-known and experienced lecturer in the field.
  • Extensive illustrations give you a clear understanding of theories and techniques.
  • A focus on the deeper aspects of face reading and diagnosis helps readers become more conscious of their actions, reactions, and the health consequences of behavior.
  • About the author
    By Lillian Bridges
    Table of Contents

    Part 1: The Changing Face
    1. The Original Face
    2. The Facial Maps
    Part 2: The Five Elements of the Face
    3. The Facial Mosaic
    4. The Water Features and Traits
    5. The Wood Features and Traits
    6. The Fire Features and Traits
    7. The Earth Features and Traits

    8.The Metal Features and Traits

    Part 3: The Universal Language of the Face
    9. Signs from the Shen
    10. Facial Diagnosis

    Book Reviews
    'This lovely book is clearly written by someone who has been immersed in reading faces all her life and who spent twenty years before writing it, studying further from Chinese medical and other texts and from family members. It clearly lays out all the theories and principles of face reading, mostly relating to understanding personality ( but also in a final chapter to medical diagnosis) and illustrates these with numerous black and white and colour photographs.

    This is simply the best book on face reading that we have seen, and if the subject fascinates you, you just have to get it.'

    Peter Deadman, Journal of Chinese Medicine
    Book details
    ISBN: 9780702043147
    Page Count: 328
    Retail Price : £39.99
    All acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and related titles.
    Oriental medicine practitioners and students (ie in Traditional Chinese medicine, Japanese acupuncture and shiatsu, Thai massage, etc)