Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports,
Edition 1
By Heather Silyn-Roberts

Publication Date: 11 Oct 2000
Are you a post-graduate student in Engineering, Science or Technology who needs to know how to:Prepare abstracts, theses and journal papersPresent your work orallyPresent a progress report to your funding bodyWould you like some guidance aimed specifically at your subject area? ... This is the book for you; a practical guide to all aspects of post-graduate documentation for Engineering, Science and Technology students, which will prove indispensable to readers.Writing for Science and Engineering will prove invaluable in all areas of research and writing due its clear, concise style. The practical advice contained within the pages alongside numerous examples to aid learning will make the preparation of documentation much easier for all students.
About the author
By Heather Silyn-Roberts, University of Auckland
Table of Contents
Section 1: Document structure. The requirements for each section: The general structure of a document; The core chapter: Sections and Elements of a document. Section 2: Specific types of documents: Abstract/Summary/Executive Summary; Literature review; Research Proposal; Journal Paper; Progress Reports; Consulting or management report and recommendation report; Engineering design report; Formal letter; Emails, faxes and memos; Thesis; Conference poster. Section 3: Referencing, editorial conventions, revising, proof reading: Referencing; Editorial conventions; Revising and proofreading: Strategies. Section 4: Writing style; Problems of Style. Section 5: Presenting your work orally; A seminar or conference presentation; Presentation to a small group. Appendices.
Book details
ISBN: 9780750646369
Page Count: 281
Retail Price : £34.99
Primary market for this title: Student. All science, engineering and technology courses for postgraduates, Secondary market: Professional. Any research/development worker who as part of his/her job is expected to write reports and make presentations. Courses: Writing and Effective Scientific Paper taught at various organisations in-house in New Zealand, Max Planck Institutes in Germany