Fatigue Testing and Analysis,
Edition 1 Theory and Practice
By Yung-Li Lee, Jwo Pan, Richard Hathaway and Mark Barkey

Publication Date: 29 Jul 2004

Fatigue Testing and Analysis: Theory and Practice presents the latest, proven techniques for fatigue data acquisition, data analysis, and test planning and practice. More specifically, it covers the most comprehensive methods to capture the component load, to characterize the scatter of product fatigue resistance and loading, to perform the fatigue damage assessment of a product, and to develop an accelerated life test plan for reliability target demonstration. This book is most useful for test and design engineers in the ground vehicle industry.

Fatigue Testing and Analysis introduces the methods to account for variability of loads and statistical fatigue properties that are useful for further probabilistic fatigue analysis. The text incorporates and demonstrates approaches that account for randomness of loading and materials, and covers the applications and demonstrations of both linear and double-linear damage rules. The reader will benefit from summaries of load transducer designs and data acquisition techniques, applications of both linear and non-linear damage rules and methods, and techniques to determine the statistical fatigue properties for the nominal stress-life and the local strain-life methods.

Key Features

  • Covers the useful techniques for component load measurement and data acquisition, fatigue properties determination, fatigue analysis, and accelerated life test criteria development, and, most importantly, test plans for reliability demonstrations
  • Written from a practical point of view, based on the authors' industrial and academic experience in automotive engineering design
  • Extensive practical examples are used to illustrate the main concepts in all chapters
About the author
By Yung-Li Lee, Chrysler Group LLC, Michigan, USA; Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Richard Hathaway, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI and Mark Barkey, Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics, University of Alabama, USA
Table of Contents
Transducers and data acquisitions; Fatigue damage theories; Cycle counting techniques; Stress-based fatigue analysis and design; Strain-based fatigue analysis and design; Fracture mechanics and fatigue crack propagation; Fatigue of spot welds; Development of accelerated life test criteria; Reliability demonstration testing; Fatigue analysis in the frequency domain
Book details
ISBN: 9780750677196
Page Count: 416
Retail Price : £105.00
R. I. Stephens, et al., Metal Fatigue in Engineering, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001, 472 pages.R. C. Juvinall and K. M. Marshek, Fundamentals of Machine Componenet Design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000, 888 pages.J. Barsom, Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures, 3rd edition, Butterworth Heinneman, 1999, 550 pages.
Graduate students, and practicing mechanical engineers, and automotive engineers